Vincent River

Why Watch Vincent River

Robert Chevara’s chilling, dark revival of Philip Ridley’s well-penned play that plays with themes such as loss, love, and hate is returning to London after 11 years! Vincent River not only sports an incredible plot, but also an incredibly talented cast. Starring Louise Jameson, widely known for playing the role of Leela i the hit series, Dr.Who. It also stars the promising Thomas Mahy, who plays the role of Davey, a feisty hooded visitor.

The Story

The play follows Anita, a single, middle-aged, unemployed mum who deals with the harrowing loss of her son to a hate crime. Davey haunts her and is in turn haunted by something he wishes he could unsee. With powerful exchanges, gripping monologues and witty moments, this eye-opening play delves deep into hate crime, thoroughly engrossing its audience with its thought-provoking narrative.

Good for

Fans of Dramas

Critics Reviews

Finely written, searingly honest, angry, and tragic, this is very much a play for today – even though it was written 18 years ago.
– The Stage