Stansted Airport to Stratford Station Bus Transfer



  • Avoid looking for public transport or a taxi to reach Stratford

The easy way to travel from Stansted to London

There are several ways to get from Stansted to London. However, one of the easiest ways to travel is by bus. The distance you need to cover is forty-five kilometres. Some people prefer trains, while others choose a private taxi instead. However, although they are both excellent modes of transport, there are a few advantages only buses can provide.

Travelling by train takes approximately one hour and nine minutes, which is a lot compared to buses. The journey by bus is only fifty minutes on an average, saving you almost twenty minutes. Hiring a private taxi offers you a shorter travel-time, but is significantly more expensive, making buses the most affordable option for any traveller. Reduced tickets are available for children between the age of two to fifteen, while adult fares are also reasonably priced.

Travel in comfort

As previously mentioned, a lot of people prefer trains because of the space and comfort they offer. However, travelling by bus is just as pleasant. Spacious interiors provide enough space to stow your luggage with the utmost care. The bus travels along the M11 motorway, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful scenery that surrounds the capital. Far away from the bustling crowd, the bus presents an entirely different side of London. You pass by a plethora of golf course and parks located in some of the city’s quieter parts. When you enter Stratford, you also get to see the London Stadium within the Queen Elizabeth Park. Lose yourself in the captivating scenery as you travel from Stansted to London by bus.

Stansted to London - A National Express Coach
A National Express Coach

Enjoy a hassle-free airport transfer

Another reason why a bus transfer beats other modes is that it is hassle-free. Unlike a train station, you can simply hop on a bus with your tickets from one of the stops it passes through. Doing this saves you time, as well as the run you would otherwise need to make if your flight is delayed. Since flight delays are pretty common, you could get stuck for an unnecessary period. In this case, you can avoid worrying by choosing a bus transfer. With forty-seven buses running between Stansted Airport to Stratford daily, you can board one that matches your schedule.

Stansted to London - Aboard the Stansted Airport bus transfer
Aboard the Stansted Airport bus transfer

Book your tickets beforehand for a stress-free journey to and from the airport. By booking ahead, you avoid the hassle of looking for a means of transport to reach London. As the National Express Bus Stop is right outside the airport terminal, it reduces the length of time spent carrying your luggage around too.

So, if you are looking for an affordable and comfortable mode of travelling from Stansted to London, book your tickets for a bus transfer today.


  • Hotel transfers


  • Journey Times

    Stansted Airport to Stratford Station: Buses run every 25 to 40 minutes between 3:20 AM and 2:20 AM.

    Stratford Station to Stansted Airport: Buses run every 25 to 40 minutes between 2:20 AM and 12:55 AM.

  • Getting your tickets

    You will receive email confirmation shortly after booking. Please display a printout with a valid photo ID at the meeting point.

    The return ticket is valid for a period of 30 days.

  • Cancellation Policy

    Tickets cannot be cancelled, amended or rescheduled.